Saturday, July 25, 2020

Brainstorm! Uh, Kinda

It just sort of crept into my awareness while I was staring out the window, thinking about not very much at all. Once the thought congealed, it arrived as a question: should I call them "cactopi" or "cactopusses"?

I was referring to the plant babies I've been rooting, potting, and watering for about three weeks now. Currently five sit in the window in water, waiting for the 5th to decide to root or not. It's just easier to pot them all at once before putting them outside with the rest, moving them further into the sun while they adjust back to full sun, and watering them daily.

Somehow my brain had skipped right over the growing process and decided to be clever by mashing two words together, "cactus" and "octopus", while at the same time puzzling over which way to pluralize it. I now realized it had been doing that for several minutes before I noticed. But now that I had, fully, I also realized it was completely pointless.

These plants aren't cactus. They're agaves. The mash up just doesn't work! Dang!

Don't you hate when that happens? It was kinda clever, after all. Right?

Hmmm, I wonder if there is a cactus called "octopus"?

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