Friday, February 21, 2020

Is It Finally Treason Yet?

OK, after winnowing the old photos down to less than a third, I can finally lift my nose out of my vacation from politics and gather strength to see what Trump and company are doing now.


Wasn't it bad enough he was helped by the Russians to win the first election? And worse that everybody this adderall-addled narcissistic idiot in the White House has  gathered around him have been busy covering it up, subverting justice, trying to tell the country that black is white and down is up? Or doing everything he can in whatever corrupt way to try to destroy his likely political rival?

Have you figured out yet that Deutsche Bank has been financially supporting him with huge loans that no other bank would sanction  because the Russian oligarchs have guaranteed those loans? Or considered that those oligarchs are mostly Russian Mob? Does it make you suspect even the tiniest bit that his loyalties have never lain with this country? Or that this is the primary reason he guards those tax returns so zealously?

Or even worse that those power hungry Republicans in the Senate, while saying privately they don't like what's going on, are quaking in their muddy boots so hard they unanimously support him? (OK, Romney, but....)

Now that those same Senators have reassured the Con In Chief of his absolute immunity, he's charging ahead full steam in his attempt to destroy this democracy. No, that's not an exaggeration, folks. Wake up! He not only pardons everyone he can find who have done the same things which he's just been freed of his own consequences of, he's doubling down.

Yep, he's getting Russian assistance again in this election. Numerous intelligence agencies and sources have confirmed it. What are we doing about it? Well, Moscow Mitch blocked all legislation in the senate which might have addressed fighting their interference, or from any outside source. Once the Legislature was informed of the latest threats, as required by law, our Mandarin Mussolini  blew his stack over the "leak" of that information, denying - as always - any truth in it.

Who the hell knows what he's going to do next? He's almost out of intelligent, honest, brave governmental employees to fire and/or disgrace. Who and how will he target next? Will there be anybody left daring to take a stand? Has this already become an intractable train wreck of a democracy?

One can fantasize. Perhaps that awful diet and drug use will take care of him for the country and nobody will have to step forward and figure out how to deal with it. Perhaps somebody will take those assault weapons the extreme right have fought so hard for, and find their way through the protections of the Secret Service, much though I hate to think it would have to come to that. You see, either of those "options" would relieve the rest of us from OUR responsibility to get in the fight to keep this country and return it to our ideals of true freedom from tyranny, of integrity, of justice for everyone, and in the process return this country to something we don't have to apologize for.

WE have to do something. Now.  Together.

Are you ready yet?

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