Monday, September 16, 2019

So She Doesn't Remember?

Defenders of Justice Kavanaugh, aka Justice Beer, are latching on to this as a defense against the latest revelations by a classmate of witnessing another incident of assault at a party years ago. The first incident was dismissed in his confirmation hearings for alleged lack of information. I say "alleged" because multiple witnesses of his behavior have come forward - then and now - to complain about being "unable to reach" the proper persons in the FBI with their witnessing such behavior.

Unfortunately for Kavanaugh, it's back in the news. Some of those voices have found another outlet that'll listen. And publish. Same kind of behavior. Same kinds of dismissal by Republicans. With the Assaulter-In-Chief in the White House, and a Supreme Court now loaded against women's reproductive - and other, like voting - rights, their lack of incentive to explore this issue is obvious.

Let's look at this so-called defense against the latest reveal. "She doesn't remember." How important is that?

1: Others do remember.
2: It was a college party. Heavy drinking was involved on the part of at least some of those in attendance. There is a possibility of blackout on her part. Note blackout drunk doesn't mean unconscious, just inability to form/retrieve memories. Note it also doesn't imply any kind of consent to having somebody's penis shoved into your hand - or as it's described, having your body moved by others into that position.
3: It's also possible that the person in question does remember. And doesn't want to be involved, whether from misplaced shame, unwillingness to be forced to recall all the details of the assault, unwillingness to go public with any of it. It takes a special kind of courage to follow through on an assault charge.
4: We have at this point only her friends' word for what she may or may not remember. What I tell my friends may not always be the absolute and complete truth, or the same thing I would have to swear to under oath, especially when I feel shame.

So what's the balance here? Multiple reports of repeated assaults of the part of Kavanaugh from witnesses and other victims? Or denials by participants ("alleged") and victims?

I know where I stand. You?

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