Thursday, September 19, 2019

Another Guest Post from Richard Rosa

First, though, Steve's back procedure is going very well. Pain levels have dropped from steady 7s - 9s down to 0s - 2s. Hooray!!!!

A few ideas on the subject of making America truly great again:

I'm going to start by saying something controversial; America was great in the 60's. That is not to say that everything was great then but we were at a cusp. One similar to the cusp that founded out nation, one of revolution. 
It was a time when activism and changing the status quo defined us. A time when we challenged ourselves as a nation to do things that had never been done before. Enacting civil rights, expanding women's rights, challenging ourselves to go where no one had gone before and stepping foot on the moon. 
We have taken leaps for humankind since then but we have been taking steps back recently as well. The challenges are now coming from those segments who embrace the status quo of the 60's instead of those who rose to defy it. The concept of change now means regression back to the ideas that were fought against in the first place. 
The revolution to progress our society into true equality has become a dystopian revolution of supression. The advances our country made are under assault.
The spirit of activism that defined the 60's and even the early 70"s needs to be reignited in a way that can take us through the current crisis. The 60's gave our nation political will. The early 70's showed us how to use that will to remove from power those who would abuse their position. 
Let's take a lesson from history and build that political will again.

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