Wednesday, June 8, 2016

5:45 PM, 6/8/16

108 degrees. The beginning of humidity increase that will formally be labeled "Monsoon Season" in another week. That's what's outside.

Taking note of the minute, a change has just happened. There is a faint chemical smell invading the house. It's the kind of smell that comes off starting up a brand new machine. We don't seriously mind the smell as it's invading the house on a stream of cool air. In this case, it's from the new air conditioner on the roof. We don't seriously mind the smell as it's invading the house on a stream of cool air. The thermostat has been set and the temperature is slowly dropping from the 97 it rose to inside the house since we closed windows this morning. We plan to bring it down to 81 for a day or so. We need to recover. Then we can decide on a higher summer comfort level.

We will need to add insulation to the attic. We've had at least three times since we moved in where a workman (or more?) has crawled through what's there and we are not optimistic enough to believe there is a useful, uniform level of it left up there.

We will also need to close off one of the air vents to/from the central opening in the house where the old furnace sat and the water heater still sits. Hot air pours down into the hall right next to the thermostat. The one we can close off because there is a second one supplying air to the water heater.

Some of that will wait, some not. We will cool off first before making those decisions. Or doing anything much that requires a literally cooler head. But my first decision doesn't need for me to wait. I'm gonna go take a shower!

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