Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Watching Eagle Cam

I've been enjoying stealing a few minutes every day to watch the Decorah eagles. All three eaglets have survived so far, though the youngest is appreciable smaller than its two older siblings. All have started sprouting pinfeathers, making them look like they're sporting some bad skin rash. They're a long way from getting their balance on their feet. The most amusing one this morning was an older eaglet who was exercising its wings, and every time it unfurled and flapped them, it fell over on its beak.

For a moment both parents were on the nest, though the returning parent came back empty-handed, or empty-taloned if you wish. It rearranged a large stick and dug out an old carcass, striping off bits to eat. Littlest eaglet came over hoping for a bite without competition from siblings, who were busy being fed by the other parent. It looked like it scored one, but it must have been disappointing, as it turned back around to rejoin the main group. By this time, of course, the first parent who'd been feeding the others had flown off to hunt.

Without poor timing it might have no timing at all. I'm hoping for good hunting for the parents.

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