Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Planning To Fly? Lucky You, Have Fun! ...Uhhh, Planning To Land?

 Anybody counting? There was the crash on January 29 over the Patomac. 67 lost souls, as they put it. Those included some of our top figure skaters and their families, just to break your hearts a little more.

Then a Lear Jet dives into a neighborhood, 7 dead, 19 injured on the ground. The jet was an ambulance flight, a tragic oxymoron.

Following that was a plane fire in Houston causing everybody to evacuate via stairs or slides. They were lucky, sort of.

In Chicago a plane and an aircraft tug collide, critically injuring the driver.

A Japanese plane hit a Delta plane's tail at Seattle-Tacoma.

Next a plane crashes down on sea ice outside of Nome, Alaska, killing 10.

A landing plane slides off the runway into the tail of a parked one in Scottsdale, AZ, killing one, injuring 3. 

That last one happened yesterday. 8 major problems, the majority fatal for a total of (checks math) 84 dead, in just 13 days. I hate to turn on the news these days, wondering who and where for the next crash.

Admittedly we don't know yet how each of them was caused. We won't for a while as it often takes a year or more to check out all the possibilities. Still, more than one "incident" every two days since tRump took office - total coincidence, obviously. Could have happened under Biden. Though it didn't.

But hey, if it makes you all feel better, tRump got rid of all those unnecessary DEI hires in the FCC almost as soon as he took office. Fewer air traffic controllers "distracting each other" while our planes take off and land, eh? Has to be a good thing because he said it would, right? Think of all the money saved.

Still planning to fly?

Need a good lawyer for your will? Sorry, I used to know a really good one, but he died. Not in a plane, but from cancer some years back. Quieter times then.

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