I listened to Rachel Maddow earlier this week. She was filling us in on the results of various national polls - reputable ones - on how many of us were happy with the avalanche of changes tRump/Leon are ramming through our government. The ratings - meaning how contented we Americans are - have the Deadly Duo well below half of us feeling they're a good thing. It held true as an over-all assessment. It held true in every single separate category. I'd feel better about us if I thought our opinions held enough weight to foster change.
For anybody paying attention, it's no surprise. Need I list them all? You know, alienating other countries in so many ways who've long been our friends, tearing apart out institutions without even a thought as to the damage being done, ignoring our Constitution. Anybody thinking about visiting our National Parks this summer while they're severely understaffed? Think long lines, filthy restrooms, few to no rangers to separate the idiots from the bears or bison or hot springs or the edges of very tall cliffs. That may be your idea of a good time, but not mine. How about our nuclear workers taking a "long break", nobody to regulate temperatures, safeguard secrets and materials? Is that your feel-good budget cut? Those are just a couple that got immediate outspoken reaction to push against the layoffs. I'd feel better again, but somehow lots of those firings happened with no way to contact the workers to call them back.
In other national news I've been catching up on, there was a leadershiplchange at the Pentagon. It seems Hegseth is very much against "wokeism". If that's too new a word for you, just think of anti-woke as being pro male white Christian nationalism. If you're looking for a government job, anybody female, dark skinned, of any other religion or none, having any kind of disability at all, no matter how well educated, capable, or trained for the position, need not apply, or should prepare to be let go. This includes anyone in the LGBTQ community. Wimmen just gotta stay home and raise babies, doncha know. Lots and lots of babies, especially white ones of course. Jewish? No. Islamic? No. Agnostic/atheistic/wiccan? Well, you get the picture.
In the full spirit of unapologetic anti-wokism, a (black) 4 star general was fired as head of the Pentagon and replaced with a (white) 3 star one. No word on an actual reason why, just a photo of each and reference to Hegseth's prejudices - without actually labeling them as such.
There are ways one can increase their hire-ability with this administration. First, grovel. Be loyal to Herr tRump (first) and Herr Leon second. (Oh, by the way, don't wipe your boogers off on the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office. It's currently out for restoration after 4-year-old X did that... on camera, after around 10 minutes of mining his nose for them. It remains to be seen exactly how welcomed he will be back in the Oval, but since his Daddy seems to wear him like protection from assassinations, I expect some accommodations will be made.)
Next, be white except when a token black person is required. For those times when a female is required, be sure to be young, pretty, thin, sexy without flaunting it -before the cameras at least. Then be willing to tell the most up-to-date lies with full sincerity, even if you were telling the opposite ones an hour earlier. Who keeps track? It will show your thoughtfulness to keep an extra work wardrobe handy for when you are unable to dodge thrown ketchup bottles so you can deny such events as being rumors spread by the opposition. Finally, keep a discrete supply of wet wipes on hand. They're for your lips. All the necessary ass-kissing for an administrative position leaves stains.