Wednesday, January 17, 2024

"Promise You'll Tell Me...."

More packing. A box here. Later a box there. Later can be hours or days right now. Exhaustion sets in easily, rest is demanded. On this, day 7, coughing has taken hold. It's not productive, just a kind of tickle prompting it, and like a really good spring it keeps going and going.... 

We test our fingers for O2 and heartrate, and the little gizmo never drops O2 into the 80s. So the coughing is annoying but not scary. Sleep isn't happening as well as usual, and Steve and I both wonder if that has anything to do with our meds. I just know I drop my very tired head on the pillow and the brain immediately starts spinning, sometimes about packing - honest! - but more often about the glass projects to be finished before we leave, how short time is getting, and how little is getting done in/to the house with all of us sick. We can't even have contractors in for another week to give estimates, much less schedule work.

This morning's box was packing clothes out of the closet that I'm sure I can get along without until they are unpacked in our new space up north. Winter things. Long sleeves, long pants, shirts with warm collars, sweatchirts. So-o-o-o many sweatshirts! It's been a hassle to get into the back corner of the closet on that side - how I divide up my closet, cold vs. hot weather clothes - that I've been amazed at how much I really have. I have to get through the rest of AZ "winter", head home through mountains for what may be last visits with relatives, thus take extra days in high altitudes in still early spring, and probably do it with a hamper full of dirty clothes that will get packed that way as well. 

Even when (if?)  I get the closet finished to the point where it is winnowed down to a packable/wearable remnant to travel with, there will be a whole bunch in boxes. Plural, boxes. I still haven't figured out what to do with all the hangers for them, though I might just stick them in very sturdy plastic bags in large bunches and tape them closed, to be tossed in the PODS or whatever we move them in, into whatever spare pockets of room are available. We just bought more hangers a couple months back, the extra thick, sturdy plastic ones that won't droop under heavy jeans or even blankets across the bottom bar. They take up a lot of room, but don't sag creating wrinkles, or break when the clothing on them drags across the next garment in a packed closet.

Packing them all is daunting. I asked Steve to make me a promise. If he ever sees me pick up another copy of my favorite clothing company's catalogue to do anything other than recycle it, he's to tell me I have plenty of clothes now. Just because they're having a 75% off sale, or carry the comfiest clothes I've yet found, or have styles I'm OK wearing in colors I like, or their knit slacks have drawstring waists so I can change sizes and still wear them out eventually because they'll still fit, not stretch, and not drop off for two or three years....

Don't let me buy any more.

Promise me.


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