Tuesday, February 14, 2023

On Valentines Day

This is a paraphrased version of how I opened the club membership meeting on the 13th. It wasn't written down then, just thought about for a bit ahead of time.

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Some of us no longer have our Valentine. (Nods from some very senior members.) Some are lucky enough they still do, or  have had more than one Valentine. But we all can celebrate Valentine's Day for more than the romantic kind of love. There are other people in our lives that we had loved or do love, and people who have loved us. Let us reflect on those special people and what they have meant in our lives. 

Think of all the ways we have told another person that we care about them, that they are important to us. It might be that special smile, perhaps even a baby's first one. It might be a special private word or phrase you use, a private joke. It can be the kindnesses you share with each other, as simple as reaching out to see how they are doing, passing along a joke you just heard, knowing just where to scratch that itch they can't reach, a call to ask for a few minutes to share your problem because you know they'll listen, or offer to listen to them. It can be the way you care for them when they need it, or how they care  for you when you do. 

Spend a few minutes remembering all those special people you have had in your lives. If those people are still in your life, let them know they are important to you. We all need to know we matter to somebody.

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