Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The New Front Door!

 It's in!

 No more air leaking around missing gaskets, no blowing open with a whisper of wind, no cold surface on the inside because of lack of insulation in this fiberglass beauty. No stacking up every portable heavy object inside the house against the door before going to bed so we don't wake up to the the door wide open while the furnace runs. No warping if a little rain blows that far under the front overhang because this isn't a hollow core interior door installed against building codes way back when. No doorbell that nobody can reach because it would have been behind the dead bolted security door that one can knock loudly on anyway, like that young man early this morning who pretended to see roof damage and offered to go up for free and take a look. No need for a second set of keys because it matches the deadbolt on the security door. No more dark corner because this one has an actual window, just low enough that Steve's eyes can see over the bottom of the window to see who's out there. My eyes are a half inch too close to the floor to see out of it, of course. And that's with wearing shoes, even. We can paint the frame in two more days if temperatures decide to cooperate when somebody (ahem!) is awake. We can also step on the threshold instead of past it then as well. Something about putty and insulation needing to set first.

Did I mention no more spare in the budget now? Good thing some of you who read this already got your X-mas present last summer when I didn't have to mail them.

Oh, and I accidentally figured out how to drag a photo onto my blog so it doesn't jump back to my desktop the instant I release a finger.

Wonder if I can do that again someday. We'll find out together, eh?

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