Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Yes, I Always Go There

These days, I really do go there when I hear any of what have become the key words. Cough. Cold. Stroke. Gasping for breath. Chest pains. Headaches. Unwell. Dragging. And many more. Where do I go? Thinking the person  I'm listening to or hearing about has covid, or worse, delayed effects of it, sometimes known as long covid. We're also starting now to hear about sequela, worth another whole post but google it. They're comparing it to post 1918 flue effects, mostly forgotten or long ignored.

Two examples. First, a woman I'm fairly close to in the club, a fellow officer, stayed home with her husband for several days due to "a cold." No, they didn't test to see if they had covid. Both are fully vaxxed and boostered, but we've learned that omicron doesn't really care. It is extremely unlikely they will get seriously ill or die, but.... She masks in the club all the time, like I do, but even if one tests negative, we know that this variant can penetrate cloth and doesn't really get caught on tests well, since you're contagious before you are symptomatic. Now I'm sure colds are also circulating, but she casually mentioned the other day that she'd been having chest pains and is now seeing a cardiologist for the first time in her life. We  know microclots invade and do all kind of damage to a variety of organs including the heart. So I personally won't be reassured until I hear that the result of her CAT scan from yesterday afternoon gives her a clean bill of health. 

Assuming it does. Really hoping it does!

The second person is an extended family member. Her husband couldn't rouse her yesterday morning, and had the knowledge to perform what's called a chest rub for two minutes. (If you've seen lots of medical and first responder type TV shows, you've likely seen somebody try to rouse someone by grinding a knuckle into their breast bone. The pain often brings them around unless more intensive care is needed.)

When she did rouse, she was gasping for breath. He called 911 and an ambulance rushed her to the hospital, full lights and sirens going. Several hours later an update provided terms like possible stroke, cardiac cath lab, bradycardia rates between 32 and 49 bpm, blood pressure around 70 over 30, migraines for several days, especially when she stands up. This time, yes, I know they both are antivaxxers and both have had covid and - uhh - "recovered". The only good ray of hope is that she mumbled what he believes is, "I love you," to her husband in the hospital. And yes, you damn well better believe my thoughts went to covid after-effects.

These days my mind goes there with any possible symptom. A person calls the club to say they are staying home because they "just don't feel well, nothing major" and thinks it's a good idea, even though they had scheduled some obligation for that day, and I thank them for their thoughtfulness before wishing them a speedy recovery from whatever. Somebody coughs and I want to suddenly be 50 feet away from them, even if it's just an allergy. I cough myself a bit every morning until my allergy pill kicks in despite being a 24 hour dose, so I know not to worry about everybody else' cough. But still. We can have a dozen people in the club at any given time now that members are starting to return to indoor group activities and borders are reopened. Less than a third will be masked. Arizona, doncha know. And we're only starting again to hear news of hospitals becoming overcrowded here in the county.

No, I'm not so much scared for myself. I go grocery shopping in person, and am doing more other shopping in stores rather than ordering online to save costs. My new responsibilities keep me going to the club nearly every day now, though for all the activities I stay masked. Now that pharmacies have M95 masks getting sent to them I plan to go ask for my 3. But I worry for the people I know and care about. Most of them do get vaxxed, but not all. Some have had covid, especially the new omicron and even after getting their shots. I do personally know a couple of people who've died from it, back in the early days when treatments weren't well known. I'm not personally aware of anybody who couldn't get into a hospital for an accident or something else non-covid related, due to overcrowding, and died from that, but the facts are well known. "Normal" surgeries are postponed right and left, including a very minor outpatient one my doc has recommended.

I will remain angry at all those who buy into the conspiracies, refuse to get vaccinated, and both spread the virus and clog our medical system to the point of breaking. Even if I love you, I'll be angry. I'll be angry at the selfishness that puts your momentary inconvenience above the health, even the lives of people around you. If you die from it, I'll miss you but still be angry at all the grief and harm you've caused others, racking up hospital bills, helping burn out your medical caregivers, possibly leaving behind partners andorphans, keeping our economy from full recovery, and perpetuating the craziness that keep this pandemic going and going and going....

*     *     *     *

Since starting this, and getting busy for a couple days before coming back to it, a person who cancelled her club duties has returned, confirming her extended family had the same symptoms and two had positive tests. A retired nurse, she believes all contracted covid.

The extended family member has been sent home from the hospital with no further details of her condition given.

Another club member cancelled her duties for a couple days now with worsening symptoms like all the others. I thanked her for her thoughtfulness.

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