Thursday, December 30, 2021

A Little Year End Haiku

 There is a blog I follow, one particular one of several, and his year-end tradition has captured my imagination. The blog is not for everybody, being both strongly political and full of language my parents would have washed my mouth out with soap for using had I even heard, known or used those words. For the curious, brave, and/or foolhardy, it's

The tradition? Haiku. He invites everyone to create haiku saying something they really need to say about the past year. He then chooses bunches to print. So far this year he's got two pages of them published, and he tends to keep going when he likes the submissions. He's fussy about the exact 5 - 7 - 5 syllable rule, not about the content except that it says something about the year. Each of the last few years I've thought for a few minutes and come up with three, my apparent limit. He has published a couple. Following are mine from this year, helping me say sayonara to another troubled year. Maybe you can give it a try.

Bad Math

The wrong kind of math
Says black lives can’t matter when
Others matter too.


Freedumb! No vaxxing.
No microchips in my arm.
They’ll stay in my phone.


A new baby breathes.
My planet just keeps dying.
I must smile and cry.

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