Saturday, October 30, 2021

On The Cusp

Do you recognize that feeling? It's been creeping slowly up on you for a while, barely pinging for attention. There's a growing restlessness, a dissatisfaction with what you're doing right now. You want to be doing something else, something you can't quite name yet. You're almost ready to start thinking about what it might be that you do want. Nothing really needs doing right now. The dog can go out soon, there are no household chores and you didn't want to do any of those anyway. You already washed those aging  spots off the kitchen floor where somebody's spill from a few days earlier finally got black enough to claim your attention, but that was hours ago, and the floor is likely still clean. Enough, anyway. Dog hair doesn't count... yet. Maybe Tuesday when it's clumped together more.

The house has been opened up for a couple hours and it's cooling off a bit, but not quite enough to need having the overhead fan turned off. It'll be just a little too cool in several hours, a delightful time of year when neither air conditioning nor heat are needed, just doors and windows controlling air flow.

It should be something you want to do, something better, more interesting than what you're doing now. Nothing on TV appeals. No books demand attention right now. In fact, you can't even recall just what it is that you're reading. You've been working with some new wire today but it's dark now and that really needs better light than all the room lights can provide. A new idea has to be worked on... tomorrow. You're not hungry, at least not for anything that is handy. Not thirsty either since you've just emptied a glass. 

You're right on the cusp, but not quite there yet. You've decided whatever it is just isn't worth the thought processes to figure out. Maybe you'll take a few minutes and blog about it first though. You're right on the cusp...

Of sleep.

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