Thursday, May 16, 2019

Iran, Warmongering, and... Endtimes?

A lot of folks believe in what they term the "endtimes", where complete destruction of the human race will open up the way to the Kingdom of God.

I don't happen to hold that belief. Spoiler alert.

The last few decades, there have been repeated unrest and wars in the middle east, which if unchecked, and now that so many of those countries have nuclear weapons, could actually make this planet uninhabitable. A common thread in discussions of this unrest is the assertion that the warmongers, both from there and from over here, have been trying to promote the endtimes as a good thing to happen, the sooner the better.

The latest example is the US withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, and representatives like Bolton working as hard as they can to promote war over there. Not the only, just the latest.

So I have this question for all you warmongers and war sympathizers out there anticipating the imminent arrival of the endtimes:

Even if - big if - you happen to be both sincere and right in your endtimes and kingdom-of-God beliefs, just WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO TELL GOD WHEN IT'S SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN?

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