Thursday, January 3, 2019

If (Blank), Then Only Criminals....

You've heard the stupid rationale. "If you pass laws banning (some kinds of) guns, then only criminals will own guns. It's said with the full confidence that the speaker has just made a meaningful point, and thus nobody will ever even think of banning whatever kind of guns are under discussion. It almost seems to make sense.

Let's apply that same logic to other undesired acts:
If you pass laws against graffiti, only criminals will paint graffiti.
If you pass laws against stealing, only criminals will steal.
If you pass laws against speeding or driving drunk, only criminals will speed or drive drunk.
If you pass laws against murder, only criminals will murder.

If you pass laws, you change nothing except turning lawful folks into criminals. Right? Isn't that the so-called logic? And if we follow that thread to the conclusion that those who spew that idiocy wish us to, we shouldn't make any of those other things illegal either. The law itself does more harm than good.

My brain hurts.

I hope yours does too. Because my heart hurts.

And I can only hope yours does too.

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