Friday, October 22, 2010

And They Call That Food?

Something remarkable happened this morning as I was fixing Daddy's breakfast. He listens to WCCO, so I do as well. Captive audience. Being a conservative station, the political ads are as well. Mostly I try to either ignore them, or I talk back to them. This mostly confuses my dad, who thinks I'm saying something important, to him. (Neither of the above.)

But today I found myself laughing through the last half of the ad. I don't think they meant it to be funny. I'm sure it was inadvertently hilarious. But they could play it exactly the same on SNL and the audience couldn't separate it from one of their own satiric ads.

Two actresses were discussing the keep-government-out-of-our-lives theme, as if they were moms. You heard the usual we-can-raise-our-families-better-than-the-government stuff, before they got to the real nitty gritty of the complaint. It seems they took umbrage over the proposal to put a tax on some very important foods to these moms, just to change their behavior in what they feed their kids. Disgraceful! Manipulative! Call your politicians and tell them to stop this horrible intrusion!

What are these vital, nutritious foods?

Sodas, energy drinks, and even - gasp! - flavored waters!

Oh my!

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