Friday, December 25, 2009

Hello World

Hello, world.

This is my first blog, although I have previously been published in a variety of ways and places. Following is a list of articles and stories I've had posted as a guest on Quiche Moraine.

Goodbye Toby
The Picture
Two Towers, Part I
Two Towers, Part II
Religion Hunter Bites the Dust
Thoughts on Stuffing a Turkey

A very dedicated internet searcher might be able to find articles written years ago for the Aqua News, the publication of the Minnesota Aquarium Society. A few years ago I googled my name and found them, but it's harder now, and frankly, I'm stuffed from X-mas dinner and tired from all the festivities. If you're interersted, knock yourself out and send me a link for my ego's sake.

There's a lot more, but mostly stuff that never made it to the internet, like 3 books of poetry (self-published, of course) or 8 years of city newsletters which, frankly, I wouldn't go back and reread either. Some of the poetry might find itself resurrected in future postings here. And there will be ongoing essays and stories, just because, readers or no, I'm one of those people who just HAS TO write.

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